Hiking is a nature trip that is generally made on long trail roads. Trekking is done in more items and more difficult ways than hiking. Both are extreme sports. The best way to get away from city life and stress is nature sports. Thus and so, we have the opportunity to see and get to know from the smallest living thing to the largest living thing around us. While we empty our minds, our body is renewed with movement. Hiking and exercises are also very important for body health. Walking is also considered an arm of training.
It starts from Muğla and extends to Antalya. It is exactly 535 km in length. It has 30 layouts of varying lengths and difficulty levels. The way extends from Ölüdeniz, Patara, Kalkan, Kaş, Faralya, Kale, Finike, Olimpos-Çıralı, Kemer to Antalya, and Beldibi. Likya way is also historically important. There are many ancient cities such as Dyma, Pınara, Letoon, Xanthos, Antiphellos, Apollonia, Simena, Myra, Limyra, Rhodiapolis, Gagai, Melanippe, Gelidonia, Edrassa, Olympos, Chimaera and Phaselis on the Lycian road, which was an important settlement in the Roman period.
The area of the national park is 21 thousand hectares. It is located between the provinces of Çanakkale and Balıkesir. It is among the regions with the highest oxygen content after the Alps. There are 800 different plant species which 32 of them are endemic. Kazdağı fir, which grows only in Kaz Mountains in Turkey, is among these endemic species. Hiking is not permitted in this national park area without a certified guide
It is 18 km long. It is one of the influential points in Cappadocia. It has an important place among the canyons in the world. The valley was formed by the cooling of the lava. Many people have lived there in the past. Therefore, it is possible to see tombs and church ruins, and carved cave entrances.
It is the longest canyon in Turkey. It is located in Manavgat. It has a 14 km long track and a depth of 100 meters. Along the way, you can see historical structures such as the ancient theatre, agora, temples of Zeus and Artemis, cisterns, and aqueducts.
